
Hosting your own private ChatGPT variant

Sharing sensitive information with ChatGPT or other third-party LLM's like Google Bard poses a significant risk. Your data will be used to retrain their models, and you will have no control over what happens to it. MirageGPT is an on-premises solution that allows you to harness the capabilities of ChatGPT without compromising your information.

Privacy issues with ChatGPT

“The privacy considerations with something like ChatGPT cannot be overstated. It's like a black box. (...) I think the opportunity for company trade secrets to get dropped into these different various AI’s is just going to increase.”

Mark McCreary
Mark McCreary
Co-chair of the privacy and data security practice at law firm Fox Rothschild LLP, at CNN
Gijs Verdonschot

Looking for a private ChatGPT solution that can be deployed on-premises?

Contact with sales

MirageGPT platform

In addition to the privacy-focused infrastructure, MirageGPT offers a range of integrated features designed to enhance your generative AI platform. The platform comes equipped with integrated knowledge bases, enabling accurate and up-to-date information in your AI conversations. Furthermore, MirageGPT seamlessly integrates with diverse systems, allowing for effortless connectivity and streamlined operations.


We understand that businesses have unique requirements when it comes to infrastructure. With MirageGPT, you have the flexibility to deploy your private generative AI platform either on-premises, in a private cloud environment or you can choose to let us take care of hosting by using our secure EU hosted SaaS option. These options ensure that you can tailor the deployment to suit your specific needs, whether it's adhering to internal security protocols, leveraging existing resources efficiently or by letting us take care of security.

Option: Ready-to-Use Hardware Package

For those who have their own hardware infrastructure and are interested in our on-premises option, we also offer a comprehensive package with hardware designed to simplify your implementation process. This turnkey solution enables you to quickly set up, deploy and integrate MirageGPT on your own infrastructure, allowing you to start leveraging its benefits without delay.

Getting started

To learn more about how MirageGPT can support your operations, we invite you to visit our MirageGPT solutions page. There, you can explore more about our offerings. Or contact us for more information.

We look forward to discussing the exciting possibilities for your company and helping you unlock the immense potential of MirageGPT.